I'd love to help you enhance your sex life & relationships!


You know how you want things to be.


Coaching with a clinically-trained specialist is the fastest way to get there. 


Coaching with me means:

Someone who understands

Personalized attention


You Want To:

  • Reduce Pressure

    Stop feeling like you need to perform, or have the best time.

  • Keep The Connection

    New skills and strategies that fit your life and your personality.

  • Get A Grip 

    On the worries, guilt, resentment and all the things getting in the way.

  • Make Your Life


    Get better at having the hard-to-talk- about conversations.

  • Be The Couple

    Who Make It 

    Act now before things get so bad that therapy is needed to keep you together.

  • Feel Good In Bed

    Get back confidence or develop the confidence you never had.

  • Get Back On Track

    Clarify the challenges and

    take action. 

  • Fight Fair

    Stop having the same old fight with the same old outcome.

  • Spice Things Up

    In Your Sex Life

    Explore fantasies, playfulness & creativity in your sex life.

  • Thrive Together & Apart As A Team

    Find your rhythm & flow and flourish in this unique FIFO /DIDO lifestyle.

 Coaching with Rebecca

In coaching we work in partnership to clarify what matters most to you, set goals,

make plans and achieve success.




Voila! Simple.




Well, it can be.

If you're ready to be a little different than how you are now.





Are you ready for that?

If you are, you're

more than half way there already!





As your personal cheerleader > a role

I thoroughly enjoy<

 I support you with tools, structure & accountability.


It might sound boring.

Don't worry.


It won't be boring.

In fact, you'll probably have a good time.





You'll receive personalized attention - in live sessions & via email in between sessions


And I give honest feedback - if it's helpful, and

if you're open to it. Don't worry, I'm diplomatic

and I can be kind.




 And  let's not forget - you benefit from my passion for this stuff.  I happily geek out on it all the time. My knowledge and experience can help you.




I help you accomplish more

than if  you were

left to your own devices,


and I help you

reach your goals faster.




It's not because I'm amazing; it's because we work as a team.

We focus on your dreams

your goals

your best life

and we move step-by-step

to get you there.




I help you identify your blocks and 

DO something about them!




With a focus on your sex life, intimacy and relationships, we talk honestly, laugh, and get serious, too.




This will be fun & sure, it  may be a challenge at times

(making changes

& trying new things often can be);

If you can handle that

you'll be fine.




We will work on strategies and plans that make your life easier and more enjoyable 

so that you experience 

more pleasure

in everyday living.




I'm an ideas generator

and I love to collaborate.

I'm confident that you will develop

 your own solutions.




I'm so excited to help you! 

Let's get started.

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